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Alexandre Winkler


Homeopath and integrated Health Practitioner

Capture d’écran 2019-05-14 à


Consultations are fundamental in any therapeutic setting but they are particularly so in the homeopathic anamnesis. 


The consultation is your private time and sacred space in which you can discuss any physical complaint, or any other emotional or mental concern, particularly the ones that may you find strange, rare or peculiar, or that your traditional doctor might find irrelevant because they simply would not know what to do with the information. For me everything about you matters and can be relevant.


Indeed, homeopathy is a science based on observation; and it is the totality of the symptoms that you experience in your diseased state that will enable me to identify the precise drug that you need.  


Totality refers here to the holistic nature of homeopathy. In other words, it does not separate the mind from the body and the individual from the environment. Thus, when disease shows up homeopaths have the tools to connect it with the person’s emotional life and the person’s experience with the world, and infer the energy state that is then prevailing.


Practically speaking hereafter is a very indicative and non-exhaustive list of questions that are often addressed during consultations:




- How does your day usually unfold?

- What is the first thing you do when you wake up, and the last one before you fall asleep?

- How do your energy levels vary during the day?

- How many meals do you have?

- What are your usual main thoughts or preoccupations?

- Are there any fears or phobias that prevent you from doing certain things in life?

- Do you dream regularly?


Complaint history


- When did it start?

- When did you first notice it?

- How have your symptoms progressed over time (gradual, sudden, intermittent, constant)?

- Can you remember having experienced anything similar previously?

- What was happening in your life at that time?

- What are the main changes you have noticed in yourself since your complaint started?


Physical considerations of the complaint


- Site or location 

- Severity (scale from 0 to 10)

- Character (sharp, dull, pulsating, drilling, pulling, alternates sides, started on the right side of the body and has been moving to the left, over vice versa...)

- Radiation (spreads around to other areas, stays at the same place...)

- Associations (accompanied by other symptoms)

- Timing (is there anytime when you feel worse: night, morning, while walking or sitting up or lying down, and how long does it last for)

- Exacerbating factors (what makes it better or worse: noise, weather, stress, bad news...)


Previous medical history (allergy, accident, operation)


Drug history (including supplements, probiotics...)


Social history (life style, work, marital status, hobbies, exercise, quality of life, addictions...)


Family history (diseases that run in your family, family trauma, any type of atavism you may have identified...)


Systematic enquiry


- Weight loss

- Night sweats and perspiration in general 

- Fatigue or lethargy

- Sleeping patterns and quality of sleep

- Appetite (desires, cravings, aversions, aggravations or ameliorations from certain foods)

- Desire for drinks (water, tea or coffee, alcohol...)

- Fevers

- Discharges

- Rash, eruptions, moles, dryness of skin, lumps...

- Trauma (physical or emotional shock)




- Chest pain

- Dyspnea

- Orthopnea

- OEdema

- Palpitations

- Cough (sputum, blood...)

- Wheeze




- Abdominal pain

- Swallowing

- Indigestion

- Acid reflux

- Nausea or vomitting

- Bowel habits

- Stool colour




- Headaches (forehead, occiput, behind the eye...)

- Vertigo

- Fainting

- Unusual smells or noises, or loss thereof

- Seizures

- Pains and needles

- Speech

- Sphincter disturbances




- Joints pain, swelling, stiffness

- Loss of motion


These are some of the aspects covered during consultations but there are many more. There are no guidelines about it either and my patients naturally bring up the concerns they experience and draw the connections that are relevant to them. This is why homeopathy is called a personalised form of treatment. 


Homeopathy does not perceive the human body as machines where organs work independently from one another. Therefore, the connections that you make between a symptom you experience and any other aspect of your life experience is essential.

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